streaming music rant

This is a braindumb. I'll try to make a cleaner version sometime

All music is starting to sound similar. Everyone is listening to the same shit And music in general had become something 'ambient'. How many songs do you actually know by name or by hearth? Or do you need to look trough your playlist in order to give recommendations?

I'm not saying that ambient music is something bad, I really love making and listening ambient, but it has to be abmient with the purpose of being ambient. All music now had to be able to work in the background and almost no music is trying to be truly offencive so it does not work against the algorithm.

Just do a quick Google search and you'll find a lot of scources.

We praise the fast growth streaming and algorithms offer without actually knowing if it is a good thing.

I think the industry is trying to make us forget about 'owership'. They sell the idea of being able to listen to a lot of music instead of owning a smaller but more valuable collection.

Digging the greats did a good video series about going back to an iPod and re-discovered a bunch of shit about streaming. I highlyrecommend it!

He goes on an interesting tangent about algorithms and the issue with them and recommended the book: Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture by Kyle Chayka

Some more books I recommend:
Streaming Music, Streaming Capital
Platformed! How Streaming, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence are Shaping Music Cultures
Are Streaming Platforms Really Killing The Music Industry? - KLAT